Sl. No |
Nature of Charges |
Rate |
Stage at which to be recovered |
1. |
Application fee
(For CIBIL, CKYC and other cost)
- Other than Commercial
- Commercial
Rs. 500/- to 1000/- plus GST
Rs. 2000/- to 5000/- plus GST |
Upfront with application |
2. |
Processing Fee |
Up to 3% + GST |
Upfront or from first disbursal amount. |
3. |
Administrative/ documents fees |
Up to 2% + GST |
Upfront or from first disbursal amount. |
4. |
Penal Charges |
2% p.a. plus GST for non-compliance of terms & conditions |
Monthly with charging documented interest. |
5. |
EMI Bouncing Charges |
Rs.2000/ per bounce |
At the time of bouncing |
6. |
Copy of Property Documents |
Rs.1000/ +GST per property |
At the time of request for copy. |
7. |
Old Statement of Account |
Rs.500/ + GST per FY |
At the time of request for statement. |
8. |
List Of Documents |
Rs. 1000 plus GST |
At the time of request. |
9. |
Fore closure Letter |
Rs. 2000 plus GST |
At the time of request |